Sunday, January 21, 2007

Black and Gold Super Bowl

It is the begining of the fourth quarter and i am stating to get worried. The saints have turned the ball over 3 times in the game!!! The weather may be a factor but coming out of the half, the saints gave us some hope with the momentum changer. Victory can still be ours but it will take some hard work and a little luck because of the 11 point defacit we face in the mid fourth quarter. Cancel that an 18 point lead!

GO SAINTS!!!!!!!


Chenson Griffin said...

Wz up homie? I see you have a WS Neal hoodie on. I from Hillcrest. We've probably played against each other. I was #2 the small quaterback. Did you check out the classic battle of murder creek last year?

Stephaniemvinson said...

Ya im gonna have to say DAAAAAAAA BEEEEEARS! Its the closest to STL so ya DA BEARS, i would have rather seen the rammys go but hey the only two players they have are jackson and Bulger!